American Literature








  General Index

  wit & humor


obj. correlative
iceberg principle


Abbey, Edward, The Monkeywrench Gang (1975): analysis
Abish, Walter, How German Is It (1980): analysis
Adler, Renata, Speedboat (1976): analysis
Alcott, Louis May, Little Women (1868,69): how radical Feminists revised Little Women
     46 brief responses to Little Women
Amis, Kingsley (British), Stanley and the Women (1985): 3 reviews
Anderson, Sherwood, Winesburg, Ohio (1919), story cycle: analysis by story
     30 critics discuss Winesburg, Ohio
     Poor White (1920): analysis by 7 critics
     Dark Laughter (1925): analysis by 5 critics
Atwood, Margaret, Surfacing (1972): analysis
Banks, Russell, Continental Drift (1985): analysis
Barnes, Djuna, Nightwood (1936): analysis by 8 critics
Barth, John, Giles Goat Boy (1966): analysis by 5 critics
Baum, Lyman Frank, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900): analysis by 2 critics
Bellamy, Edward, Looking Backward, 2000-1887 (1888): analysis
Bellow, Saul, Dangling Man (1944): analysis by 6 critics
     The Victim (1947): analysis by 7 critics
     The Adventures of Augie March (1953): analysis by 11 critics
     Seize the Day (1956): analysis by 4 critics
     Henderson the Rain King (1959): analysis by 11 critics
     Herzog (1964): analysis by 4 critics
     Mister Sammler's Planet (1970): analysis by 2 critics
     Humboldt’s Gift (1975): analysis by 4 critics
     The Dean’s December (1982): analysis
Bowles, Paul, The Sheltering Sky (1949): analysis by 10 critics
Boyle, T. Coraghassen, Water Music (1982): analysis
Brackenridge, Hugh H., Modern Chivalry (1792-1815): analysis by 7 critics
Brautigan, Richard, Trout Fishing in America (1967): analysis by 2 critics
Brown, Charles Brockden, Wieland (1798): analysis by 4 critics
Brown, William Wells, Clotel; or, The President's Daughter (1853): commentary
Burroughs, William, Naked Lunch (1959): review
Capote, Truman, Other Voices, Other Rooms (1948): analysis by 9 critics
     In Cold Blood (1965): analysis by 3 critics
Castaneda, Carlos, Journey to Ixtlan (1972): commentary by 11 critics
Cather, Willa, O Pioneers! (1913): analysis by 12 critics
     The Song of the Lark (1915): analysis by 6 critics
     My Antonia (1918): analysis by Wallace Stegner
     10 critics discuss My Antonia
     One of Ours (1922): analysis by 2 critics
     A Lost Lady (1923): analysis by 9 critics
     The Professor’s House (1925): analysis by chapter
     12 critics discuss The Professor’s House
     My Mortal Enemy (1926): analysis by 3 critics
     Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927): analysis by 9 critics
Chicchinelli, Eugene, Underwater Rodeo: The Saga of a Deep Sea Diver (2000): review
Chopin, Kate, The Awakening (1899): analysis by chapter
     The Awakening: concise analysis
     37 critics discuss The Awakening
     46 critics differ over the ending of The Awakening
Clark, Walter Van Tilburg, The Ox-Bow Incident (1940): analysis by 3 critics
Cooper, James Fenimore, The Leatherstocking Saga (1823-41): overview
     The Prairie (1827): analysis in detail
Crane, Stephen, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (1893): analysis by 28 critics
     The Red Badge of Courage (1895): analysis by chapter
     36 critics discuss The Red Badge of Courage
Davis, H. L., Honey in the Horn (1935): analysis
DeForest, John W., Miss Ravenel’s Conversion (1867): analysis by 4 critics
DeLillo, Don, The Names (1982): analysis by 7 critics
     White Noise (1985): analysis by chapter
     30 critics discuss White Noise
     Feminist misreading of White Noise debunked
     Libra (1988): analysis by 4 critics
     Underworld (1997): analysis by 2 critics
     summaries of 10 novels by DeLillo: commentary by 3 critics
Didion, Joan, Play It As It Lays (1970): analysis by 3 critics
Dos Passos, John, Three Soldiers (1921): analysis by 4 critics
     Manhattan Transfer (1925): analysis by 6 critics
     U.S.A. trilogy (1930-36): analysis by 14 critics
Doulis, Thomas, The Open Hearth (2000): review
Dreiser, Theodore 24 critics discuss Sister Carrie
     An American Tragedy (1925): analysis by 12 critics
Duncan, David James, The River Why? (1983): 7 reviews
Ellison, Ralph, Invisible Man (1952): analysis by chapter
     Invisible Man: review by Saul Bellow
     40 critics discuss Invisible Man
Erdrich, Louise, Love Medicine (1984,1993): analysis by 5 critics
     The Beet Queen (1986): analysis by 2 critics
     Tracks (1988): analysis by 4 critics
     summaries of 8 novels by Erdrich: commentary
Faulkner, William, Soldier’s Pay (1926): analysis by 4 critics
     Mosquitoes (1927): analysis by 4 critics
     Sartoris (1929): analysis by 4 critics
     The Sound and the Fury (1929): analysis by section
     50 critics discuss The Sound and the Fury
     As I Lay Dying (1930): analysis by 15 critics
     Sanctuary (1939): analysis by 15 critics
     Light in August (1932): analysis by 15 critics
     Absalom, Absalom (1936): analysis by 21 critics
     The Wild Palms (1939): analysis by 6 critics
     The Hamlet (1940): analysis by 11 critics
     Go Down, Moses (1942): analysis by 4 critics
     The Bear (1942): analysis by 15 critics
     Intruder in the Dust (1948): analysis by 5 critics
     A Fable (1954): analysis by 15 critics
     The Snopes Trilogy commentary
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, This Side of Paradise (1920): analysis by 8 critics
     The Beautiful and Damned (1922): analysis by 3 critics
     The Great Gatsby (1925): analysis by chapter
     50 critics discuss The Great Gatsby
     why Gatsby is great
     The Great Gatsby, best film adaptation (2000): analysis
     Tender Is the Night (1936): analysis by 12 critics
     The Last Tycoon (1941): analysis by 12 critics
Ford, Richard, The Sportswriter (1986): analysis
Gaddis, William, The Recognitions (1955): analysis by 3 critics
     JR (1975): analysis
Gaines, Ernest J., The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman (1971): analysis by 3 critics
Garry, Patrick, In the Shadow of War (2006): review
     Saving Faith (2007): review
Gordon, Caroline Penhally (1931) analysis
     Aleck Maury Sportsman (1934) analysis
     Garden of Adonis (1937) analysis
     None Shall Look Back (1937): analysis in detail
     Green Centuries (1941) analysis
     The Women on the Porch (1944): analysis by 22 critics
     The Strange Children (1951): analysis by 15 critics
     The Malefactors (1956) analysis
     The Glory of Hera (1972): analysis by 31 critics
Guthrie, A. B., The Big Sky (1947): commentary
Hardwick, Elizabeth, The Ghostly Lover (1945): analysis by 4 critics
     The Simple Truth (1955): analysis by 4 critics
          Afterword The Simple Truth
     Sleepless Nights (1979): analysis in detail
          Sleepless Nights: analysis by 17 critics
          Sleepless Nights: review by Joan Didion
          Sleepless Nights: biographical analysis
Hawkes, John, Second Skin (1964): analysis
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The Scarlet Letter (1850): analysis by chapter
     The Scarlet Letter: concise analysis
     50 critics discuss The Scarlet Letter
     The House of the Seven Gables (1851): analysis
     The Blithedale Romance (1852): analysis
     The Blithedale Romance fictional film adaptation (2005): analysis
     The Marble Faun (1860): analysis
Heller, Joseph, Catch-22 (1961): analysis by 7 critics
Hemingway, Ernest, In Our Time (1925): linear analysis by story
     The Sun Also Rises (1926): analysis by chapter
     30 critics discuss The Sun Also Rises
     A Farewell to Arms (1929): analysis by 21 critics
     To Have and to Have Not (1937): analysis by 10 critics
     For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940): analysis by 13 critics
     For Whom the Bell Tolls film adaptation (1943): analysis
     Across the River and into the Trees (1950): analysis by 9 critics
     The Old Man and the Sea (1952): analysis in detail
     The Old Man and the Sea: review by William Faulkner
     16 critics discuss The Old Man and the Sea
     The Garden of Eden (1985), edition censored by Feminists: analysis by 10 critics
Howells, William Dean, The Rise of Silas Lapham (1885): analysis by 12 critics
Irving, John, The World According to Garp (1978): analysis
     The Hotel New Hampshire (1981): analysis by 3 critics
     The Cider House Rules (1985): analysis by 2 critics
     A Prayer for Owen Meany (1989): analysis by 2 critics
James, Henry, Daisy Miller (1879): analysis by chapter
     Washington Square (1881): analysis of best film adaptation (1997)
     The Portrait of a Lady (1881): analysis by 16 critics
     The Bostonians (1886): analysis by 12 critics
     The Bostonians film adaptation (1984): analysis
     The Turn of the Screw (1898): analysis by 20 critics
     The Wings of the Dove (1902): analysis by 10 critics
     The Ambassadors (1903): analysis by 12 critics
     The Golden Bowl (1904): analysis by 6 critics
Jewett, Sarah Orne, The Country of the Pointed Firs (1896): analysis by 9 critics
Jones, James, From Here to Eternity (1951): analysis by 4 critics
Joyce, James (Irish), Ulysses (1922): commentary
Kerouac, Jack, On the Road (1958): analysis
Kesey, Ken, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1962): analysis by 15 critics
     One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest film adaptation (1975): analysis
     Sometimes a Great Notion (1964): analysis by 2 critics
Kingston, Maxine Hong, The Woman Warrior (1976), blended genres: analysis by 21 critics
     China Men (1980): analysis by 6 critics
     Tripmaster Monkey (1989): analysis by 4 critics
Kosinkski, Jerzy, Being There (1970): analysis
LeGuin, Ursula K., The Lathe of Heaven (1971): analysis
Lesley, Craig Winterkill (1984) review
Lewis, Sinclair, Main Street (1920): analysis by 10 critics
     Babbitt (1922): analysis by 12 critics
     Arrowsmith (1925): analysis by 7 critics
     Elmer Gantry (1927): analysis by 2 critics
     Dodsworth (1929): analysis by 5 critics
     It Can’t Happen Here (1935): analysis by 4 critics
London, Jack, The Call of the Wild (1903): analysis by 3 critics
     The Sea Wolf (1904): analysis by 4 critics
     Martin Eden (1909): analysis by 6 critics
Lytle, Andrew, The Velvet Horn (1957): analysis
Mailer, Norman, The Naked and the Dead (1948): analysis by 5 critics
     The Deer Park (1955): analysis by 6 critics
Malamud, Bernard, A New Life (1961): analysis by quotation
McCarthy, Cormac, The Orchard Keeper (1965): analysis by 5 critics
     Outer Dark (1968): analysis by 6 critics
     Child of God (1973): analysis by 7 critics
     Suttree (1979): analysis by 11 critics
     Blood Meridian (1985): analysis by 20 critics
     All the Pretty Horses (1992): analysis by 12 critics
     No Country for Old Men (2005): analysis by 4 critics
     The Road (2006): analysis in detail
     God in The Road: analysis by 4 critics
McCarthy, Mary, The Company She Keeps (1942): analysis by 17 critics
     The Oasis (1949): analysis by 20 critics
     The Groves of Academe (1952): analysis by 19 critics
     A Charmed Life (1955): analysis by 13 critics
     The Group (1963): analysis by 23 critics
     Birds of America (1965): analysis by 8 critics
     Cannibals and Missionaries (1979): analysis by 7 critics
McElroy, Joseph, Plus (1977): analysis by 2 critics
McCullers, Carson, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (1949): analysis by 18 critics
McGuane, Thomas, Panama (1978): analysis
Melville, Herman, Typee (1846): analysis by 9 critics
     Omoo (1847): analysis by 5 critics
     Mardi (1849): analysis by 8 critics
     Redburn (1849): analysis by 3 critics
     White-Jacket (1850): analysis by 3 critics
     Moby-Dick (1851): analysis in detail
     30 key metaphors in Moby-Dick: concise analysis
     50 critics discuss Moby-Dick
     21 different interpretations of the white whale: brief quotations
     Pierre (1852): analysis by 7 critics
     Pierre fictional film adaptation (2005): analysis
     Benito Cereno (1855): analysis by 16 critics
     The Confidence-Man (1857): analysis by 8 critics
     Billy Budd (1891): analysis by chapter
     Billy Budd: general analysis
     Billy Budd: analysis of film adaptation (1962)
Momaday, N. Scott, House Made of Dawn (1968): analysis by 4 critics
     The Way to Rainy Mountain (1969), mixed genres: analysis by 20 critics
Morris, Wright, The Field of Vision (1956): analysis by 2 critics
Morrison, Toni, The Bluest Eye (1970): analysis by 25 critics
     Sula (1973): analysis by 25 critics
     Song of Solomon (1977): analysis by 21 critics
     Song of Solomon: review by Reynolds Price
     Tar Baby (1981): analysis by 17 critics
     Tar Baby: review by John Irving
     Beloved (1987): analysis by 23 critics
     Beloved: review by Margaret Atwood
     Jazz (1992): analysis by 7 critics
     Jazz: review by Edna O’Brien
     Paradise (1998): analysis
Norris, Frank, McTeague (1899): analysis by 17 critics
     The Octopus (1901): analysis by 15 critics
Oates, Joyce Carol, Black Water (1992): analysis
O’Brien, Tim, Going after Cacciato (1979): analysis by 2 critics
     The Things They Carried (1990): analysis
O’Connor, Flannery, Wise Blood (1952): analysis by chapter
     Wise Blood: commentary by O’Connor
     36 critics discuss Wise Blood
     Wise Blood film adaptation (1979): analysis
     The Violent Bear It Away (1960): analysis in detail
     The Violent Bear It Away Commentary by O'Connor
     33 critics dicuss The Violent Bear It Away
Paulson, A. B., Watchman Tell Us of the Night (1987): 2 reviews
Percy, Walker, The Moviegoer (1961): analysis
     The Last Gentleman (1966): analysis by 10 critics
     Love in the Ruins (1971): analysis by 7 critics
     Lancelot (1977): analysis by 8 critics
     The Second Coming (1980): analysis by 4 critics
     The Thanatos Syndrome (1987): analysis by 3 critics
Plath, Sylvia, The Bell Jar (1963): analysis
Poe, Edgar Allan, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym (1838): analysis by chapter
Porter, Katherine Anne, Old Mortality (1937, 1939): analysis by 26 critics
     Noon Wine (1937, 1939): analysis by 28 critics
     Noon Wine: The Sources (1956): commentary by Porter on creative process
     Pale Horse, Pale Rider (1939): analysis by 28 critics
     Ship of Fools (1962): analysis in detail
     42 critics discuss Ship of Fools
Pynchon, Thomas, V (1963): analysis by 18 critics
      The Crying of Lot 49 (1966): analysis by chapter
     25 critics discuss The Crying of Lot 49
     Gravity’s Rainbow (1973): analysis by 34 critics
Reed, Ishmael, Reckless Eyeballing (1986): analysis
Robbins, Tom, Another Roadside Attraction (1972), adolescent hippie cartoon: countercultural fiction
Roberts, Elizabeth Madox, The Time of Man (1926): analysis by 6 critics
     My Heart and My Flesh (1927): analysis by 5 critics
     Jingling in the Wind (1928): analysis by 5 critics
     The Great Meadow (1930): analysis by 6 critics
     A Buried Treasure (1931): analysis by 5 critics
     He Sent Forth a Raven (1935): analysis by 5 critics
     Black Is My Truelove's Hair (1938): analysis by 5 critics
Robinson, Marilynne, Housekeeping (1981): analysis by chapter
     3 critics discuss Housekeeping
     Gilead (2004): 6 reviews
     Home (2008): 6 reviews
     Lila (2014): 10 reviews
Roth, Philip, Portnoy’s Complaint (1969): analysis by 2 critics
     American Pastoral (1997): analysis
Salinger, J. D., Catcher in the Rye (1951): analysis by 21 critics
Silko, Leslie Marmon, Ceremony (1977): analysis
Sontag, Susan, Death Kit (1967): analysis
Sorrentino, Gilbert, Mulligan Stew (1979): analysis
Stafford, Jean, Boston Adventure (1944): analysis by 10 critics
     The Mountain Lion (1947): analysis by 13 critics
     The Catherine Wheel (1952): analysis by 12 critics
Stegner, Wallace, The Big Rock Candy Mountain (1943): analysis by 10 critics
     The Preacher and the Slave (1950); retitled Joe Hill (1969): analysis by 3 critics
     Genesis (1959): analysis by 5 critics
     Wolf Willow (1962), blended genres: analysis by 4 critics
     All the Little Live Things (1967): analysis by chapter
     Angle of Repose (1971): analysis by 13 critics
     The Spectator Bird (1976): analysis
     Crossing to Safety (1987): review
Steinbeck, John, Tortilla Flat (1935): analysis by 4 critics
     In Dubious Battle (1936): analysis by 7 critics
     Of Mice and Men (1937): analysis by 8 critics
     The Red Pony (1938): analysis
     The Grapes of Wrath (1939): analysis by 30 critics
     The Grapes of Wrath film adaptation (1940): analysis
     Cannery Row (1944): analysis by 4 critics
     East of Eden (1953): analysis by 7 critics
Stone, Robert, Dog Soldiers (1974): analysis
     Children of Light (1985): review
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852): analysis by 4 critics
Styron, William, Lie Down in Darkness (1951): analysis by 3 critics
     Set This House on Fire (1960): analysis
     The Confessions of Nat Turner (1967): analysis by 6 critics
     Sophie’s Choice (1979): analysis by 3 critics
Tate, Allen, The Fathers (1938): analysis by 16 critics
Taylor, Peter, A Woman of Means (1950): analysis by 4 critics
Thoreau, Henry David, Walden (1854): analysis by chapter
     40 critics discuss Walden
Toole, John Kennedy, A Confederacy of Dunces (1980): commentary by 3 critics
Toomer, Jean, Cane (1923): analysis by 5 critics
Twain, Mark, Roughing It (1872): analysis by 8 critics
     Huckleberry Finn (1884): analysis by chapter
     rebuttals to 12 aesthetic and racial criticisms of Huckleberry Finn
     further defense of the ending of Huckleberry Finn
     themes, motifs & patterns in Huckleberry Finn
     pastoral structure of Huckleberry Finn
     A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1889): analysis by 10 critics
     Pudd’nhead Wilson (1894): analysis by 20 critics
Tyler, Royall, The Algerine Captive (1797): commentary
Updike, John, The Witches of Eastwick (1984): analysis by chapter
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr., Slaughterhouse-Five (1969): analysis
Wallace, David Foster, Infinite Jest (1996): analysis by 2 critics
Warren, Robert Penn, All the King’s Men (1946): analysis by 14 critics
Welch, James, Winter in the Blood (1974): review
     The Death of Jim Loney (1979): review
     Fools Crow (1986): review
     The Indian Lawyer (1990): review
Welty, Eudora, The Robber Bridegroom (1942): analysis
     Delta Wedding (1946): analysis by 4 critics
     The Ponder Heart (1953): analysis by 4 critics
     Losing Battles (1970): analysis by 4 critics
     The Optimist’s Daughter (1973): analysis by 5 critics
West, Nathanael, The Dream Life of Balso Snell (1931): analysis
     Miss Lonelyhearts (1933): analysis by 5 critics
     A Cool Million (1934): analysis
     The Day of the Locust (1939): analysis by chapter
     7 critics discuss The Day of the Locust
Wharton, Edith, The House of Mirth (1905): analysis by chapter
     The House of Mirth film adaptation (2000): analysis
     Ethan Frome (1911): analysis by 8 critics
     The Age of Innocence (1925): analysis by 6 critics
Wilder, Thornton, The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1927): analysis by 6 critics
     Heaven’s My Destination (1935): analysis by 3 critics
     The Ides of March (1948): analysis by 2 critics
Wilson, Harriet E., Our Nig (1859): commentary
Wister, Owen, The Virginian (1902): analysis by 5 critics
Wolfe, Thomas, Look Homeward, Angel (1929): analysis by 6 critics
     Of Time and the River (1935): analysis by 4 critics
     The Web and the Rock (1939): analysis by 3 critics
     You Can’t Go Home Again (1940): analysis by 3 critics
Wolfe, Tom, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1968): analysis
Wright, Richard, Native Son (1940): analysis in detail by 10 critics